I'm a Tree Nature LIVE! virtual experiences are a great way to enhance your students' learning journey. Schedule your session today!

We would like you to set up a test session with us before your first Nature LIVE! session so we can test links, visual, and audio within your classroom.
I'm A Tree Program Overview
This program is a series of four sessions offered individually, designed for Kindergarteners to discover through the topic of trees and the animals that interact with them how the weather plays a part in their behaviors. Also comparisons will be done so the kids will know that all trees have the same parts, but they are all different. Not to mention the characteristics of them produce special gifts for us.
Academic Standards: (Geography K.6, ESS.K.1, LS.K.1, LS.K.2, PS.K.1, PS.K.2)
I'm A Tree Nature LIVE! Overview: Download PDF
Session 1: How Trees Prep for Winter
Nature LIVE! Session 1 Sign Up - Offered in November and December
DESCRIPTION: During this 20 minute online adventure, your naturalists will lead the session from one of our many Miami County Parks! With Winter fast approaching it is time to step outside and follow our naturalist into the woods to see what the trees do in the wintertime. These living things may not look so living in the Winter, but this behavior influences their survival. Students will also come prepared with a leaf that they have collected off of the ground, so they can compare with the naturalist and describe the different properties leaves withhold. This session also has a tailored review quiz for your students and the I'm a Tree SCIENCE JOURNEY material will support some of the same standards. Click the session title above to book your session with a naturalist!
Academic Standards: Geography K.6, ESS.K.1, LS.K.1, LS.K.2, PS.K.1, PS.K.2
Quiz: Session 1 tailored review quiz
Session 2: How Animals Prep for Winter
Nature LIVE! Session 2 Sign Up - Offered in December
DESCRIPTION: During this 20 minute online adventure, your naturalists will lead the session from one of our many Miami County Parks! This time as your students join our naturalist in the woods, animals are the focus. Will these poor beasts survive the winter? With the help of trees and their special behaviors, students will learn from the animals themselves what they need to do to survive the winter. This session also has a tailored review quiz for your students and the I'm a Tree SCIENCE JOURNEY material will support some of the same standards. Click the session title above to book your session with a naturalist!
Academic Standards: Geography K.6, ESS.K.1, LS.K.1, LS.K.2, PS.K.1, PS.K.2
Quiz: Session 2 tailored review quiz
Session 3: Trees and their Natural Gifts
Nature LIVE! Session 3 Sign Up - Offered in February
DESCRIPTION: During this 20 minute online adventure, your naturalists will lead the session from Maple Ridge Reserve! Trees give us many gifts and this adventure will focus on all of the natural gifts trees can give including maple syrup. The students will walk through the syrup making process with a talking maple tree. This session also has a tailored review quiz for your students and the I'm a Tree SCIENCE JOURNEY material will support some of the same standards. Click the session title above to book your session with a naturalist!
Academic Standards: Geography K.6, ESS.K.1, LS.K.1, LS.K.2, PS.K.1, PS.K.2
Quiz: Session 3 tailored review quiz
Session 4: Trees and their Man-Made Gifts
Nature LIVE! Session 4 Sign Up - Offered in March
DESCRIPTION: During this 20 minute online adventure, your naturalists will lead the session from one of our many Miami County Parks! The gifts trees give us naturally is special, but we use trees to make many man-made gifts as well. On this adventure your naturalist will take you into the world of trees to notice that everywhere you look is more evidence of a tree gift. Meet the beaver who builds its home out of wood just like we do. This session also has a tailored review quiz for your students and the I'm a Tree SCIENCE JOURNEYS material will support some of the same standards. Click the session title above to book your session with a naturalist!
Academic Standards: Geography K.6, ESS.K.1, LS.K.1, LS.K.2, PS.K.1, PS.K.2
Quiz: Session 4 tailored review quiz