Follow this Science Journey to discover and compare trees and animals and how they depend on each other!

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Kids playing under a treeLessons Overview:

Kindergarten CCSS or First Grade CCSS

Suggested Grade Levels: Kindergarten and First Grade

DESCRIPTION:  During this virtual adventure you will discover, explore and compare trees and animals and how they depend on each other!  The ideal time to complete this Journey is in the fall!


Student Discovery Kits

To reserve kits, please use the following link, and answer all of the questions.

(If the link does not work, please send an email to the above address with the following information:)
Your Name:
Names of any other teachers you are also requesting kits for:
School and Grade:
Number of students/kits:
Name of Science Journey Program you are choosing:
Approximate month/dates you are hoping to use the kits (You will have the kits for 4 weeks):


View Kit Contents: Student Discovery Kit Checklist

Tree Materialsbook covers



These interactive 20 minute videos featuring the Banana Slug String Band naturalists include: creative characters, captivating illustrations, and brilliantly composed songs that bring the subject matter to life. The videos also inspire kids to go outside for hands-on experiential learning utilizing inquiry skills at school or home. Here are some of the fun activities in which your students will engage in the video:

  • Find out how trees are different and how they are alike
  • What kind of gifts trees give to us and other animals
  • Leaf piles to tunnel under and leaf games to play as you sort through all the sizes and shapes
  • You may even find yourself upside down under a tree
  • If you are lucky you will even get to meet Twitchy the giant squirrel
  • Look for the special reward to earn a leaf tattoo


Each I'm a Tree Science Journey lesson is accompanied by a complete teacher lesson plan and student worksheet. Follow the links below to review and access the lessons.

Teacher Lesson Plans
Student Sheets
Student Discovery Journal: Contains ALL Interactive Student Sheets   Discovery Journal
Leaf Games Teacher LP 1 Pages 1 and 2 of Journal
Bird Expedition Teacher LP 2 Page 3 of Journal
Feet Up a Tree Teacher LP 3 Pages 4 and 5 of Journal

My Tree Is... &

My Favorite Tree

Teacher LP 4

Pages 6 and 7 of Journal

Leaf Wind Chime Teacher LP 5

Tree Wind Chime Instructions

Crayon Colors Challenge & Scavenger Hunt 

Teacher LP 6 Pages 8-10 of Journal
Reading Enrichment Teacher LP 7 Page 11 and 12 of Journal
Tree Yoga Teacher LP 8  

A Tree For Me Book

Teacher LP 9

Hard copy will be Inside Discovery Kit

A Tree for me PDF

NatureQuest Activities Teacher LP 10

NatureQuest Activities

Pages 13-30 of Journal

Coloring Page   Coloring page
I'm a Tree Song Book   I'm a Tree Song Book

Supplemental Resources:

Host your own Banana Slug String Band Festival!


I'm a Tree Song

I'm a Tree Lyric Sheet

I'm a Tree Costume Instructions (pdf)

I'm a Tree Costume Video

FLIPGRID Science Challenges 

Preview (You will be asked to login with a Google or Microsoft email)

There's nothing like fun, hands-on outdoor activities to help facilitate learning. We will be using a program called FLIPGRID for student responses and lesson instructions. This program is used by many teachers during distanced learning. It is designed for students Pre-K through adult. It requires access to a device that connects to the Internet. 


Interactive ZOOM Q & A Session with the Banana Slug String Band Naturalists

Classes have the opportunity to schedule a live, interactive zoom question and answer session with the Banana Slug String Band Naturalist featured in the I'M A TREE video.  To sign-up, please email the Banana Slugs at

Please include the following information in your email: Your name;   Grade level;    City & State of your school;   Your Science Journey topic;    3 different options for date & time of your session (Please keep in mind that the Slugs are in California on a 3 hour time difference!)