Contact us to create a personalized environmental experience.

Custom Programs
If your group would like to schedule a custom environmental education activity contact Cinda or Tama at our Education Office.
Naturalist Adventure Series Program
Each month at Charleston Falls Preserve a Park District Naturalist holds an education program on a different topic. Participants can stop by anytime between 1 – 4 p.m. during the program and complete hands-on learning about the topic of the month. Programs range from learning about rocks to learning how to navigate using a hand held G.P.S. unit. Click here for program listings and filter by Charleston Falls Preserve.
Adult Exploration Hikes
Join our naturalists or volunteer leader as they head out to explore nature the first and third Tuesday of every month. Walks are not strenuous or fast-paced.
On Your Own - Ohio Department of Natural Resources Field Guides
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has many field guides that will help you learn about everything from plants and wildlife to geology. Take them on your next hike in the park and learn about your environment. Visit the ODNR website to access the field guides - look for Wildlife Identification.
Hunting Safety & Fishing
Hunting programs are available through the Ohio Department of Wildlife. Click here to learn more.
Water Safety
Water safety programs are available through the Ohio Division of Watercraft. Click here to find a course near you.
Contact Information
Outdoor Program Coordinator
Tama Cassidy