In 1967, the Miami County Probate Court created the Miami County Park District, a separate Ohio political subdivision, under Chapter 1545 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Since 1967, the Park District has acquired and protected lands having outstanding natural features, for the current and future enjoyment of the citizens of Miami County. The Park District’s primary obligation is to protect open spaces and manage these open spaces so that people can make wise use of them without disturbing their unique beauty. By offering “passive use” alternative opportunities to the public, the Park District plays a special role in fulfilling the open space recreation needs of the citizens of Miami County.
A three member Board of Park Commissioners appointed by the Probate Court Judge of Miami County, governs the Park District. Each member serves without pay for a three-year term. Each Commissioner is appointed on a staggered yearly rotation to insure consistency on the Board. Regular Park Board meetings are held monthly, are open to the public, and are advertised through the media. The Park District Board establishes all policies, rules, hiring and terminations, development projects, land acquisitions and expenditures.
The principal source of funding for the operation of the Park District comes from a property tax levy approved by the voters of Miami County. Secondary sources of revenue derive from grant, investment, donation, local government, fine and rental funds. Providing Miami County residents with superior services at the most reasonable cost, and to comply with all federal, state and local mandates, is essential to sustain the health and viability of the Park District. In doing so, the Park District must weigh and balance its obligations to protect the health, safety and welfare of its employees, residents, and environment, while maintaining fiscal responsibility as required by Ohio law.