Birding is a wonderful recreational and even social activity to try out!

Birding in Your Parks
It can be done with the naked eye, through a visual enhancement device like binoculars or just by listening for bird sounds. Actually, bird observing often involves a significant auditory component since some birds are very secretive and hard to see yet, their calls can be easily identified and heard. No matter what time of year, a wide variety of bird species can be viewed throughout Ohio.
Whether you’re a first time birder or an expert, the Miami County Park District offers a variety of birding opportunities. Our Parks offer diverse habitats where you can view and hear birds of all kinds. From Great Horned Owls to Pileated Woodpeckers, there is always something to find while out on the trails. Some of the best Parks to visit for birding are John A. Wannemacher Nature Reserve, Stillwater Prairie Reserve Rangeline Access and the outer loop trail at Charleston Falls Preserve.
If you are interested in birding, a great way to get involved is to join a group of like-minded people. Check out our program calendar to see what programs we have to offer. We usually have various opportunities to join in on a group birding experience guided by a Park District Naturalist.
Birding Sites
To learn more about birds and birding visit the following recommended websites. – Just like in its name, this website gives you information all about birds and birding! You will be able to look up birds by species and find out more about their life history, habitat, food sources and more! In addition, you will be able to learn all about birding basics. This is a wonderful resource for everything birds. – This website is a great resource for both recreational and experienced birders. eBird is a real-time, online checklist program that has revolutionized the way the birding community reports and accesses information about birds. Once you sign up for an account you can record your own observations, see the observations of others and gain knowledge about birds. The observations you make are joined with those of other users which then are shared with a global community of educators, land managers, ornithologists and conservation biologists. In time, this data will become the foundation for a better understanding of bird distribution across North America and hopefully beyond! How cool is that?! – The Ohio Ornithological Society hosts this site and gives you an all access pass to Ohio’s premier birding network! Check out the latest birding news, reports and more by visiting this page. Not to mention you can register for different webinars, find the latest birding classes and even look at continually updated site guides for the state of Ohio. If you’re interested, you can share your excitement and enthusiasm for wild birds with others by joining the Ohio Ornithological Society.
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Whether you want to stay local or take your bird watching adventure on the road, there are some excellent resources to find tried-and-true birding spots. Connect with local bird watchers and to stay informed about local bird clubs and outings. Even if you plan to bird watch solo, seasoned bird enthusiasts can provide a wealth of knowledge and tips gleaned from first-hand experience.